感謝各位玩家一直以來對『AVABEL LUPINUS』的支持。
・【付費專享】pick up魂晶扭蛋
∟提升可抽中精挑細選的招福貓魂晶等、概率的pick up魂晶扭蛋閃亮登場!
Thank you for playing "AVABEL LUPINUS."
The following details have been updated in Shop today
・[Paid Only] Pick-up ORB Pack
∟Pick-up ORB Pack is now available with the raised winning rate of ORBs, including Inviting Cat ORBs!
・Shining Stone★6~10
∟Pack that can ramdonly get Crystals to raise element for specific time.
*You can check from the rates for big win from in-game.
*Please check for more details and warnings