

    感謝各位玩家一直以來對『AVABEL LUPINUS』的支持。



    舉辦期間JST:2019年7月31日(三)15:00 ~
    任務 報酬 個數
    完成新手教程吧! 新手聲援60★8武器交換券 1
    牽引石60 1
    時裝盒子 2
    將等級提升到Lv10吧 重量擴張書1000R 1
    背包擴張書25R 1
    時裝盒子 2
    將等級提升到Lv20吧 曉星之書‧紅 1
    曉星之書‧藍 1
    時裝盒子 2
    將等級提升到Lv30吧 新手聲援60★8防具交換券 1
    牽引石60 1
    時裝盒子 2
    將等級提升到Lv40吧 擴張書套餐 1
    奇蹟之水 5
    時裝盒子 2



    名稱 效果
    曉星之書‧紅 3小時內獲得的經驗值上升100%
    曉星之書・藍 3小時內獲得的職業經驗值上升100%

    ①從寶袋選擇牽引石,開始使用! ②選擇想解除等級限制的武具,即可解除限制!

    We will open the quests to get many items such as Rift Stones and Astra Weapons!

    *This quest will be account quest, so if you the quest once with other character, you cannot clear with the others.
    *You cannot accept with the character cleared tutoral before the event is opened.

    Period2019/7/31(Wed) from 15:00 ~

    List of Event Quests
    Quest Reward Amount
    Finish Tutorial Exchange Ticket for 8 stars of Beginner’s Support 60 Weapon 1
    Rift Stone 60 1
    Avatar BOX 2
    Reach to Lv10 Weight Expansion 1000 R 1
    Bag Expand Bk 25 R 1
    Avatar BOX 2
    Reach to Lv20 Red Dawn Star Bk 1
    Blue Dawn Star Bk 1
    Avatar BOX 2
    Reach to Lv30 Exchange Ticket for 8 stars of Beginner’s Support 60 Armor 1
    Rift Stone 60 1
    Avatar BOX 2
    Reach to Lv40 Item Expansion Books Set 1
    Miracle Water 5
    Avatar BOX 2

    What is 8 stars of Beginners' Support 60 Weapon Exchange Ticket?Ticket to exchange with your favorite 8 stars of Astra 60 Weapons.

    What is 8 stars of Beginners' Support 60 Armor Exchange Ticket?Ticket to exchange with your favorite 8 stars of Astra 60 Armors.

    What are Red Dawn Star Bk and Blue Dawn Star Bk?Those are items to raise the amount of EXPs and JEXPs for certain time by using it.
    Name Effect
    Red Dawn Star Bk Raises 100% amount of EXPs for 3 hours
    Blue Dawn Star Bk Raises 100% amount of JEXPs for 3 hours

    What are Rift Stones?Item to unlock the level limits for Astra Armors.
    It can unlock the number of level limit written at the end of item name.
    How to use Rift Stones
    ①Select the Arms you want to unlock the level limit and unlock! ②Select Rift Stones use it!
    *You cannot accept with the character that has cleared tutorial before the event has opened.
    *The period and time are already fixed for Events.
    *This quest is account quest. You cannot accept the quest again if you cleared the quest once with the other character in an account.

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