

    Happy Valentine
    Thank you for playing "AVABEL LUPINUS."


    The sweet scent in the air seduces so many monsters!

    Event PeriodJST:2024/2/7 15:30 ~ 2024/2/21 13:59
    Flow of the event1. Move to Event MAP from Event Transferrer NPC

    2. Accept the Event Quest and clear the Defense Battle!

    You can get chocolates by clearing Defense Battles and Quests,
    and exchange them to items at Event-limited NPC!

    Event Reward
    Quest Rewards
    [Daily] Clear “Valentine Defense Battle Nov” Chocolate gift of true love * 2
    Gem * 1
    [Daily] Clear “Valentine Defense Battle Int” Chocolate gift of true love * 4
    Gem * 1
    [Daily] Clear “Valentine Defense Battle Adv” Chocolate gift of true love * 8
    Gem * 3
    Exchanging rewards Materials
    Balloon Head (each color) Chocolate gift of frendly * 30
    Chocolate gift of frendly * 2 Chocolate gift of true love * 1
    Production Items Materials
    Balloon Head Heart (each color) Chocolate gift of frendly * 40
    Chocolate gift of true love * 30
    Balloon Head (each color) * 1
    Heart Crystal Chocolate gift of frendly * 40
    Chocolate gift of true love * 30
    Radiant Heart Crystal Chocolate gift of true love * 75
    Heart Crystal * 1
    *Daily Quest's progress will be reset everyday at 4:00AM.

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